Supporting and empowering patients with cancer
We have been working with cancer patients since 2000. Our protocols and Integrative Cancer Care programmes have empowered cancer patients, their families and friends, as well as many caregivers around the world. Here are just a few of many interviews we have conducted with our patients.
Tom Barretto had to tell his wife and brother that he had 18 month to live…
At the age of 48, Tom Barretto was diagnosed with prostate cancer. What a shock for this young Australian.
His doctors recommended implantation with radioactive seeds followed by external beam radiation. Tom trusted his doctors and thought that this treatment would make his world OK again…
Unfortunately, it was not. Four years after the radiation therapy, his oncologists told him that his cancer was back and that he had 18 months to live …
What now?
How Mart & Coby van Buuren overcame a big shock in their life: Mart’s diagnosis with prostate cancer
Mart’s prostate cancer journey started in 2010. His doctors in Holland recommended a radical prostatectomy. Mart had the surgery hoping for a cure. Unfortunately, this did not happen, only some permanent and unpleasant side effects were the result.
After the failed surgery, his doctors recommended radiation treatment to kill the rest of his cancer, and Mart agreed again. Five weeks after radiation treatment was completed, the next disappointment was waiting for Mart: His PSA was now higher than before teatment …
What happend then?
Mr. Petrini’s life fell apart at age 56, when he was diagnosed with metastatic prostate cancer…
He has certainly beaten the odds… Now 78 years old, Silverio Petrini is still around and very active. He travels the world and still is taking care of his business – all this despite his metastatic prostate cancer that is well controlled for the last 21 years. Probably a world record!
In 1999, when Mr. Petrini consulted with the best doctors in the USA and Europe, they all told him to get his affairs in order and not make any more plans … Having lost all hope and with a PSA of 2200 ng/ml, he started on our protocol and experienced a dramatic recovery …
How about another 21 years?
We listen to you
Most of our cancer patients have had an extensive journey with cancer already when they contact us. About 90% come with metastatic disease, after failing conventional treatment. The remaining 10% of our patients have either experienced cancer recurrence after initial ‘curative’ treatment, or they are outright refusing any conventional cancer therapy. Almost all patients tell us about their disappointments and frustrations during their cancer journey, often missing transparency and empowerment in treatment decisions, being insufficiently informed about their disease and all possible treatment options for it, and not being informed honestly about the impact of treatment-related permanent side effects on their lives. One major disappointment was cited over and over again: ‘My oncologist team did not really listen to me – my fears, my hopes and my wishes were not heard.’ At Integrative Cancer Care this is different: We are listening carefully to every cancer patient under our care, to their families and friends, as well as to their primary physicians and care givers, because we firmly believe that working hand-in-hand with all involved guarantees best chances for optimal outcome.

Inspiring patient testimonials that influence our daily work…
Tom Barretto
Australia, September 2021
Thanks Ben and Integrative Cancer Care for never giving up on me. If it wasn’t for you, I probably would have passed away a decade ago, but here I still am, thanks to you.
I am so lucky to have been looked after by someone who’s only wish was to make me get better; a knowledgeable, selfless and caring physician with the heart of an archangel is what you are to me.
Hopefully, the new protocol you’ve prescribed will work but even if it doesn’t, I’ll always be grateful to you because if it wasn’t for you, I would not have been able to see and enjoy the growth into adulthood of my nephews, nieces & grandchildren. Also, in the last 2 years, Pauline and I have experienced & enjoyed the birth of 2 great-grandchildren as well.
Thanks so much mate and take care,
Coby & Mart van Buuren
The Netherlands, March 2021
Dear Ben
Mart and I thank you very much for your valuable advice and tireless support in Mart’s treatment over the last eight years.
We are very glad that Mart’s metastatic and castration-resistant prostate cancer remains well-controlled with your protocols, and we look forward to seeing you soon again for another round of infusion therapy in Switzerland.
Be safe and stay healthy. We need you!
Best regards,
Coby and Mart
Silverio Petrini
Venezuela, July 2021
Dear Professor Pfeifer
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for 21 years of effective and life-saving cancer care. Without you, I would not be here today enjoying every minute of my life. I am so very blessed that I found you 21 years ago when I felt to be at the ‘end of my rope’. My doctors in Venezuela, in Switzerland and the USA told me to go home and get my affairs in order, because I would not live much longer and there was nothing else, they could do for me.
You obviously could…
You always gave me hope, unbiased advice and support throughout those two decades that I followed your treatment protocols. I am eternally grateful that I have met you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Silverio M Petrini
Kittiorn and Stefan Hallwyler
Thailand / Switzerland, October 2021
In 2002, I was diagnosed with stomach cancer and operated. My husband and I learned that stomach cancer has a particular high recurrence rate, and that it metastasises in more than 60% of the cases. Therefore, we decided early on to embark on a secondary prevention programme under the guidance and supervision of Professor Ben Pfeifer, M.D., Ph.D. at the Aeskulap-Hospital in Brunnen, Switzerland. Thank God… It was a stroke of luck that we met him. We are very grateful for all the help he extended to us!
Now, almost 20 years after my initial surgery, I am still here and continue on Dr. Pfeifer’s prevention protocol. I have yearly check-ups now and luckily, all still looks good. Of course, we hope that it stays that way for many more years to come…
We sincerely thank Professor Pfeifer, Aeskulap-International and Integrative Cancer Care for their support and special care, keeping me healthy and fit.
Kittiorn and Stefan Hallwyler
Charlie A.
United States of America, October 2021
More than 25 years ago, when working as a marine biologist, I received funding through the US National Cancer Institute to look for marine organisms with potential for drug development against cancer and AIDS. A few drugs were developed through this program and eventually became part of the medically accepted arsenal of chemotherapeutics in use today. Hailed as success, those drugs, however, produced only mild palliative results, at best.
It was during that time, when I first met health care practitioners of a different kind, some of them “brave” enough to combine complementary treatments methods at a university medical center with leading-edge conventional therapies of their time to fight cancer and cancer pain. One individual, Professor Dr. Ben Pfeifer, made an immediate and lasting impression on me. His approach to cancer treatment was based on a deep conviction that measurable tumors were merely a symptom or sign of an underlying systemic cancer disease. Therefore, simply cutting out such tumors, or destroying them with toxic means like chemotherapy and radiation would not usually cure the disease. Professor Pfeifer’s research, knowledge and perseverance enabled him finally to design a more integrated and sensible treatment approach to the cancer problem that included proper nutrition, healthy life-style choices, and tailor-made anti-oxidative, anti-inflammatory and immune-modulatory treatment protocols for his patients already 25 years ago. Success did not fail to materialize… I thought to myself at the time, if I ever end up with cancer, he would be the one I would call. Then, 25 years later, I did.
Having been diagnosed with a rare sarcoma that was known to not respond to radiation or chemotherapy, and with no guarantee that additional surgery, a debilitating radical laryngectomy, would remove all remaining sarcoma tissue, Dr. Pfeifer took over my treatment. In the process he reacquainted me with the progress he and several of his colleagues continue to make in the treatment of cancer. I now have seen firsthand the incredible success Ben and his colleagues have achieved with their integrative treatment approach of prostate-, breast- and other cancers. I also could witness his pioneering clinical work with stem cell therapy, and, of course, my own incredible turn around.
During my treatment, I had the good fortune to meet several of Ben’s colleagues, who were so kind in allowing me access to their experimental cancer treatments. In particular, the use of a custom-made anti-tumor vaccine based on next generation sequencing of my tumor cell DNA, as well as treatment with natural killer (NK) cells, isolated and expanded from my own blood. These experimental immunotherapies, along with Ben’s infusion therapy and oral treatment protocols have put my incurable sarcoma in remission for the past six years, clearly far outside the prognosis expected by me and my physicians here in the US.
What struck me most during this time with Ben and his colleagues in Europe was:
- The ease with which Ben and his colleagues combined leading edge cancer treatments with basic complementary oncology measures for the benefit of their patients.
- The way their combined knowledge, mutual research activities and experience translated into clinical benefit for their cancer patients.
- The near complete lack of funding to further develop and test those already successful complementary treatments within an integrated oncological treatment model.
- The amount of time and effort, enthusiasm and compassion Ben and his colleagues invested into each cancer patient’s treatment, always going the “extra mile” without hesitation, fighting red tape and restrictions in their experimental cancer therapy trials, even risking unjust peer pressure and professional reprimand.
Today, almost six years after my first diagnosis, I am still here, without additional surgery and with my voice completely intact. I can speak, I can free dive and scuba dive, I can smell and taste, even have a good glass of wine occasionally.
I am still on Ben’s treatment protocols to keep my sarcoma under control. PET-CT scans and laboratory tests come back without any sign of the cancer. Of course, I am very glad and feel absolutely blessed that I know Ben and that he is my doctor…
Thank you, Ben and thank you Aeskulap-International as well as Integrative Cancer Care for all your help and support along the way.
Best regards,
Alexander Braun
Germany, May 2021
I found Professor Pfeifer in 2013, through a friend who also is a cancer patient. Then, I was diagnosed with metastatic prostate cancer and pretty much written off by conventional oncologists. I have been on Professor Pfeifer’s successful treatment protocols ever since. My metastatic disease is well controlled all these years and I have a good quality of life. I am very grateful to Aeskulap-International and Integrative Cancer Care as well as their medical experts for their valuable support and advice. Without them, I most likely would not be here today.
With respect and gratefulness
Alexander Braun
Nicole Hellmund
United States of America, December 2021
My name is Nicole. When I was 9 years old, I was diagnosed with multiple atypical tumors in the spine and brain. Then, when I was 13 years old, I was also diagnosed with an aggressive form of brain cancer and underwent multiple spine brain surgeries. My father had met Dr Pfeifer years before my diagnosis because he had successfully treated a family friend against metastasized cancer. My father himself had successfully undergone stem cell treatment guided by Dr Pfeifer, which helped him with his post operative recovery after his own brain surgery.
After my operation to treat brain cancer, I started undergoing treatment with Dr Pfeifer, and he prescribed a combination of alternative supplements and advanced immunotherapy, which has been a key reason for my successful fight against cancer.
Dr Pfeifer’s constant search for non-traditional and medical treatments, and his cooperation with some of the best oncology specialists and researchers around the world, has allowed him to successfully help many patients fight against different forms of cancer.
My family and I are very grateful for Dr Pfeifer’s support, broad knowledge, hands on support, his kind and dedicated attention to his patients.
Greetings from Florida
Abdul Latief
Indonesia, October 2021
Thanks to Allah SWT who, in his grace, directed my path to Prof. Ben Pfeifer, M.D., Ph.D. who treated and healed my long-term illnesses that have threatened my life.
He has guided and supported me for the last 10 years through all my cancer treatments. In March 2013, I noticed elevated levels of Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), a blood parameter that is suspicious for liver cancer. My physicians told me that this cancer is difficult to treat, since it does not respond to chemotherapy or radiation. Surgery was also not possible, since the cancer in my liver was already too big for any hope of cure. I learned from my doctors that there is little hope with this cancer since it usually is a ‘death sentence’.
Luckily, Professor Pfeifer did not give up on me… First, he put me on a natural treatment programme with daily intake of various phytotherapeutic medications and some infusions. Under this treatment the AFP first reduced, but later started climbing again, and Prof. Ben recommended to add a special treatment, called TACE (trans-arterial Chemoembolization), whereby a mixture of cytotoxic drugs is administered through a catheter directly into the centre of the cancer in my liver.
After several TACE treatments my liver cancer shrank significantly, and under continuation of the phytotherapy regimen, further growth of this cancer could be totally controlled. Today, my AFP levels are normal, and the follow-up examination with MRI and CT imaging studies have come back normal every year.
I am very lucky and grateful to Professor Pfeifer, Aeskulap-International and Integrative Cancer Care for all their help and support during those years. I can again enjoy my life and my family. I am looking forward to reaching 100 years with good health now…
Abdul Latief