ABCB5+ stem cells to treat limbal stem cell deficiency

Christoph Ganss

Christoph Ganss

Process development and safety evaluation of ABCB5+ limbal stem cells as advancedtherapy medicinal product to treat limbal stem cell deficiency

Alexandra Norrick, Jasmina Esterlechner, Elke Niebergall-Roth, Ulf Dehio, Samar Sadeghi, Hannes M. Schröder, Seda Ballikaya, Nicole Stemler, Christoph Ganss, Kathrin Dieter, Ann-Kathrin Dachtler, Patrick Merz, Saadettin Sel, James Chodosh, Claus Cursiefen, Natasha Y. Frank, Gerd U. Auffarth, Bruce Ksander, Markus H. Frank and Mark A. Kluth

Norrick et al. Stem Cell Research & Therapy (2021) 12:194

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2021-11-05T20:06:33+01:00October 21, 2021|Other article for therapists|

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